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Some Good Tips about Getting the Right Haircut

By Morten Hansen

Ever thought about why when you go to get your haircut it seems as though the hairstylist never really cuts your hair the same way each time? If this has happened to you more times than not, then let me explain.

There are lots of things to take into factor; One of which, are you visiting the same stylist each time? Are you a reasonably new client? Are you getting regular haircuts? What's the weather like outside is it hot, humid, cold, wet or dry? Is your stylist in a more creative mood than the last time? Does your hairstylist have a good memory? Are you explaining your haircut with the correct terms? Is the stylist fully understanding what you want?

The easiest way to explain is this is to clarify how hair grows first. Hair generally grows about a 1/2" a month. Hair also does not grow evenly all over the head. Some areas on the head grow quicker than others and hair is finer & thinner in some areas of the head than others.

What does this all mean when it comes to getting your haircut? Well... Let's say you get your haircut each 4 weeks and then you get busy and didn't go again until 7 weeks. Your hair has grown out an additional 3 weeks and the form of the hair has dramatically modified, dependent on how fast your hair grows. Every week you go longer than the previous appointment makes finding the prior lines of the haircut harder. And if your going to a new stylist you have only been to a few times they may not remember you or your haircut so it is highly important to be able to find these lines.

The weather can affect that too. If one time you go and it's cold outside and next time you go it's wet out then your haircut may look different. It may appear shorter or longer than normal or the texture can seem to be different. So when your stylist goes to cut your hair, their creative eye sees something different and may cut your hair subtley different to accommodate the change.

What about the stylist? If your stylist hasn't got a good memory than it might take a couple of times of doing your hair to recollect you and your haircut. Is this a bad thing? No, just make absolutely certain you explain it the same way each time till you are positive they remember your haircut or have them take a few footage with your telephone to help you both remember.

What about your stylist being in a more creative mood? Perhaps your stylist went to a new hair cutting class and has learned a new methodology. Primarily based on what your hair is doing that day, the stylist may choose to make use of one of those strategies. If that strategy worked for your hair than make sure you tell them next time you go. They may not remember they did the last time and if your hair is doing something else than it was actually the time before they may not remember on their own.

Being able to explain what you need with the right terms: Let's say you are having trouble finding the words to describe what you need. Please do not use terms you are not sure of or do not truly describe what you're looking for. This can cause huge misunderstandings and you'll get something you didn't desire. There are better techniques to get what you're looking for. One way is to bring in footage, if you find multiple pics but you only like one thing in each pic that's OK. (example: you like the bangs in this pic but the layers in another and the highlights in another) This helps your stylist out incredibly!

Ever found yourself not knowing what you want at all; no pictures and no words to explain what you want? This can be terribly annoying for you and the hairstylist. Here's what to do in this situation: Find images of things you Do NOT like and describe the things you have had during the past that you Did Not like. By doing this, you and the stylist can create something that you DOlike based mostly on what you loathe.

Stylist are creative beings they do not perform like androids. Their creative eye's prevents them from seeing a similar thing the same way each and every time. They require your assistance to form the ideal look for you.

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