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It Is Time To Replace That Old Furnace

By Adriana Noton

There is an easy way to lower one's utility bill this winter and that is to replace that old furnace with a new energy efficient model. The fact is that the market is demanding more energy efficient heating systems just as the market is demanding more fuel efficient automobiles, and heating system manufacturers are giving people what they demand. The homeowner who is tired of paying high utility bills each month has the option of replacing his old heating unit with an energy efficient model.

Most people would be quite shocked to learn that their heater is the reason why their winter power bills are fifty percent higher than in the summer. The newer heating units are manufactured with one purpose in mind and that is to help homeowners save money on their utility bill. Here are some terms one should know before shopping for a new heating system.

British Thermal Unit or BTU is a standardized term of measurement used to categorize heating units. The BTU relates to the amount of heat needed to heat one pound of liquid to one degree Fahrenheit. The higher the BTU the quicker the system heats a house but this is not the complete measure of energy efficiency.

A more complete measurement of a home heating unit's efficiency is found listed in the annual fuel utilization efficiency ratio. This measures the heating unit's ability to warm a particular area and is considered a standard energy efficiency measurement ratio. This ratio can be found listed on a metal placard located in the fuse box.

There are a myriad of systems to choose from including the low and high boy units and the sealed combustion model. The low boy unit has the heat blower attached to the rear of the heat exchanger. The high boy on the other hand has the air distributor located at the bottom of the heat exchanger. The sealed combustion model needs no indoor air, and therefore no chimney for combustion.

The way a sealed combustion system works is quite simple. Air from outside the home is pulled in through a pipe and flue gas is blown outside with a small fan. This is why no chimney is needed for expelled exhaust and why flue gas can flow outside through a plastic pipe. The sealed combustion system is perfect for the energy efficient house that has proper air sealed insulation.

Electric furnaces have received less than favorable reports because some people claim that electric systems are costly to operate and that their heating capacity is not adequate in some cased. However, for some homes the electrical heating system is still a viable choice, but, most households are better served by gas systems. But, gas systems need to be properly maintained and inspected to make sure that they are safely functioning.

The utility bill will no doubt increase this winter because the furnace is in use more than in the summer. But, one can take steps to lowering one's utility bill this year. Install a new heating system, one that is energy efficient, and expect utility bills to go down.

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