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Great Gym To Train Muay Thai At

By Sherika Lindgren

If you are interested in training Muay Thai, you need to get yourself over to Bangkok Boxing in Chamblee. What makes this gym better than the other gyms that have Muay Thai and kickboxing classes?

Well, for starters, it's run by Surapon "Khunpon" Dekchampu. With over 300 fights on his resume, you won't find anyone in the city with comparable experience. He's competed and won in Bangkok, Thailand's prestigious Lumpinee Stadium. He's been fighting since he was 9 years old. You simply won't find anyone in the area whose expertise compares to his. His right-hand man and assistant instructor is Chike Lindsay-Ajudua, a 25 year old prodigy who already has an impressive number of title belts in his wardrobe.

If you want to learn how to fight, you could go to one of the other gyms in town and learn "stand-up" fighting from someone who has probably had a few amateur fights. Or you can go to Bangkok Boxing and learn the real deal from a coach who was born and raised in Thailand. You'll get the best coaching and conditioning available, and the family of fighters at Bangkok Boxing is a close knit, supportive group of athletes with great attitudes.

Not sure if you want to compete? No problem. If you want to get fit or just learn Muay Thai for fun, this gym will be great for you. There are beginning Muay Thai classes, and there are fitness kickboxing classes too. And if you think Khunpon's and Chike's kickboxing classes are like what you've seen at your local generic fitness gym, you're in for a major surprise. Being drilled by two professional athletes in the prime of physical condition is a whole lot different than taking a class from a perky fitness instructor in a pink tank top.

You'll work like you've never worked before. Then you'll work more than that. And at the end of class, you'll be surprised at how much you accomplished.

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