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An Observation That Helped Me Lose Weight

By Kelly Moss

This article is all about the way to shed weight, I am hoping you find it interesting to read and beneficial. I'm somebody who has always tried hard to keep off the fat and who has attempted many different forms of diet.

From about the age of 12, I've had problems with my weight. I need to be cautious of what I eat and I myself believe I eat less than what other people do. One of the issues I do have though is that I like the wrong kinds of foods. Veg, fruit, salad and pasta don't actually do it for me, where as fast foods such as pizza, chips and curry do.

Another one of my unpleasant habits is that from the age of almost sixteen I started to get a taste and a liking for alcohol. I have to admit that from this age I've always drank far too much and far more than the average man. You may be thinking at this point that it's was no wonder that I have had problems controlling my weight.

In my defence, I've had many confidence issues and suffered with a low self-image for a few years. This would cause me to binge drink and comfort eat. When hungover I might eat copius amounts of these greasy foods to make me feel better.

By the age of twenty-two I was basically terribly fat or obese. I decided at this point of my life to be proactive about this and began to look into various kinds of diet.

Perhaps it is just me but these weight control programs seemed really oppressive and extraordinarily impractical. Drinking taste-less milkshakes 4 times each day, eating 5 fruits a day and not being able to drink alcohol, no thanks. Following these diets would make my life not particularly worth living and I knew that I wouldn't be able to stick to them.

One morning I saw 3 different postmen delivering their rounds. They were all quite thin, at a weight I would love to be. Over the following few weeks I kept an eye out for other postmen and realised that the ones I had observed were all thin. I thought about why would this be, quite simply because they do a large amount of exercise through walking.

I sat myself down and started to think. I had to admit to myself that I do very little exercise and I use my automobile to take me to virtually every place I'm going.

The answer was fairly straightforward, I need to, at times walk my kids to college, walk to my buddies and generally guarantee I exercise much more than I was. Walking turned out to be the best fat burning exercise for me.

This has, I am glad to report helped my fantastically and I now have a weight I am pleased with.

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