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Natural Cures for Bronchitis

By Rickey Henolap

It can be an easy assumption the power to take a breath is easy and an instinctive. Breathing should make up an inherent act; however, it can be challenging for some individuals. Respiratory distress can range from moderate conditions in which a person on occasion experiences minor breathing problems, to more compelling levels of breathing distress.

The two different kinds of bronchitis are chronic and acute bronchitis. Acute bronchitis develops usually after a cold or cough that has been in the body for some time and the body has not been able to fight it off or given enough rest to recover. The cough is accompanied by pain, weakness, fever, fatigue and headache. Bronchitis can progress to pneumonia if not treated. Chronic bronchitis lung is usually caused by tobacco, smoke or other irritants. It is a persistent condition that can lead to permanent lung damage. In both conditions it is common for the sufferer to cough up phlegmy discharges.

Other natural remedies for bronchitis fever are preparations with horehound, which is an herb for relieving mucous congestion, peppermint in combination with other dried herbs, or as a tea for the vapors that help congestion. Fenugreek is a natural mucous expulsion herb, garlic is used for it's antibiotic properties. Goldenseal is used for it's healing of the lining of your lungs and soothe the irritated lining.

The present, conventional treatment of bronchitis is with antibiotics. This treatment has been found to be of little effect. Antibiotics are effective in reducing bacteria. Bronchitis is caused by viral infections in 90% of all cases, not bacteria. As a result of the actual causes of bronchitis not being addressed, the condition advances and causes more lung damage and deterioration. Also, with overuse of antibiotics, there is great probability that the bacteria will become resistant and the antibiotics will become ineffective as the bacteria adapts and strengthens.

Substantiating a complete bronchitis cure that relieves bothersome coughs with strong, clinically-tested botanicals, this bronchitis cure equals a natural antibiotic that contains no harmful chemicals and does not conceal symptoms. This therapeutic treatment relieves and soothes, fortifies the immune system and does away with aches and pain without feelings of drowsiness. It clears the lungs by reducing mucous secretion in order to breathe easier, prevents advancing lung infections, and contains flavonoids that have potent anti-inflammatory attributes.

Another natural remedy that is extremely effective for viral bronchitis is BRONOVIL. You can find more information about it at It contains an herb called Pelargonium sidoides that helps stimulate the immune system. It has been shown to reduce mucous and prevent the viruses from sticking to the lung walls and spreading.

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