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The Steps to Lessen Your Cholesterol Level

By Sandy Fe

Keeping one's cholesterol in a minimum level is becoming popular not just because of the teens' desire nowadays to achieve Baywatch bodies. A lower cholesterol level makes a person healthy inside and out too. Too much cholesterol in one's system is the reason behind most illnesses which made a lot of individuals breathe their last.

Diabetes, heart problems and hypertension are just some of these diseases. They are commonly found in adults and senior citizens since their bodies don't function anymore as efficient as it used to. Their digestion is slow and the transformation of fats to energy is not that fast. This may be the reason behind a physician's advice to their old or obese clients to reduce eating foods which contain cholesterol.

The basics on cholesterol

People have been talking about cholesterol but do they what it is and how it affects the body. Because of news about rising cases heart problems in the country, cholesterol has become an overnight antagonist. Everybody thinks that cholesterol is bad.

Actually, not all cholesterol is bad for the body. In fact, our bodies need cholesterol to make bile salts. It is also a major ingredients in maintaining hormonal balance as well as in the production of Vitamin D. Things become troubled when the levels become too high that the cholesterol already clog the arteries, making it hard for the blood to flow and the heart to pump.

Cholesterol can either be destructive or beneficial. The first type would be the LDL. This is the harmful type that can block your arteries. It is brought about by trans fatty and saturated fats contained in canned good or in your favorite potato chips.

The HDL, on the other hand, can lower the levels of LDL cholesterol. This is because the good HDL helps transport the LDL cholesterol from the arterial walls back to the liver where it is excreted out. These are found in nuts and in seafood particularly fishes.

People who want to lower their LDL levels are also advised to eat a lot of fruits because of the fiber that they bring to the body. Oats, cereals, and legumes are also great sources of fibers that can help combat the rise of LDL cholesterol, eventually decreasing the risk of heart disease.

Factors that affect cholesterol levels

Contrary to popular opinion, it is not just the diet that should be taken into consideration when dealing with high cholesterol levels. There are actually a lot of factors that affect the condition. One of these is the age and the gender. Older people are more affected by increased levels of cholesterol because of their bodies' slowing processes. Another factor is the level of physical activity. Exercise can actually help in lowering down of LDL cholesterol. Also, it can help in strengthening the body and in toning the muscles.

Lowering cholesterol levels

The steps stated earlier can be your guide in cutting down your cholesterol level. All you need to have is determination, a strict food diet and a daily physical routine to follow. This is everything you need to do to fight against high cholesterol level.

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