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The way to stop smoking the hard way

By Gerard Meister

Quit smoking can be complicated and doing it cold turkey can be rather more - if you do not plan your giving up process. First off you need motivation. Your motivation will be the main factor for you to achieve success. How ever the knowledge of risking cancer and expose your youngsters, family and friends of passive smoke should be sufficient to motivate you. But it can still be very hard to quit.

These tips may help you build up motivation for quitting so that you can quit smoking cold turkey:

Plan a date

Plan a date at least fourteen days from now. This'll help you build up your motivation toward that day, and enjoy your last smokes.

Toward the day

Keep track of how many days left before stopping. Remember these days, are the small highlights towards your new and more fit life-style.

The day before the stopping day

Depending how much you smoke, buy your last packet(s) of smokes. Remember this is the last time you will buy cigarettes, so attempt to make it as special as you can.

The quitting day

This day is the day that you've been waiting for "hopefully with great pleasure, but properly also a bit tense. This is absolutely normal. It is very important that you do something special this day. You have to celebrate this is the last day. Make a lovely dinner and enjoy it with some of your friends.

Before heading off to bed and not later than midnight, smoke your last cigarettes. You don't have to smoke every one in the package. If you've got any left, then break them and thru them out.

The days after

The 1st week is going to be hard. But thinking back at the day of quitting as one of the most special days in your life will get you thru the 1st week.

Good luck.

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