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Logical Points About The Fear Of St. Paul Dentists

By Wendy Salas

The fear of St. Paul dentists can actually be argued on certain points. First, it does exist and is medically termed as dentophobia. Second, it is not irrational nor should it be just ignored. Lastly, there are certain variables at play with dentophobia which permit the existence of the fear itself. Here are just some of these variables.

Dental drills have been known to cause certain anxieties. Not only because of the drilling buzz that this instrument emanates but also because of the way it looks. A sharp and metallic appearance does not gain the same reaction as fuzzy bunnies and cotton candies. Truthfully, they scare the heck out of patients.

Another possible cause for dentophobia are traumatic experiences. Perhaps a tooth pulled the wrong way in the past or excessive bleeding of the gums due to misuse of a dental tool by a dentist. These past events, which are embedded into the deep cortex of a person's brain, can make a person dread the idea of going to a dentist again.

A person can also hyperventilate at the doorstep of a dental clinic because of the thought of needles and injections. This fear actually comes from childhood memories of being vaccinated and immunized in hospitals and clinics.

Needles and injections often used by dental offices can also be causes of dentophobia. It is a popular fact that dental needles tend to be bigger than normal injection needles. In psychology, it is clinically proven that people fear sharp objects due to a childhood experience associating pain with something sharp. It is an instinctual reaction that people get nervous when they see a sharp shiny needle pointing directly at them.

Embarrassment can also fuel dentophobia. Having one's mouth checked and subjected to professional scrutiny can cause certain anxieties to rise. Especially for a person with low self esteem, having an unhealthy set of teeth examined by a dentist can spark the flame of dentophobia.

Tooth extraction is possibly the most common reason behind dentophobia. All the pulling and restraining efforts of the dentist while you try to keep still is enough to make you, or anyone, nervous. Seeing a sharp metallic tool thrust in your mouth with the intention of removing something from your mouth is also contributory.

People have nothing to fear against St. Paul dentists. A dentist is an expert and a professional who was trained for years to be near perfect in the science of dentistry. People should keep this in mind so that they'll have nothing to fear when they face that door that says dentist is in. Read more about: St. Paul Dentists

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