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How Online Marketers Get People Like Your Company On Social Media Sites

By Elaine Reid

In the previous issue of Facebook For Business, you learned how you can build a business Fan Page from Facebook. Today, we will discuss about the ways you can get Facebook users to like your page.

Before anything else, it is crucial that you know the major issue in making your page noticeable online. Awareness is and should be the primary problem with any Facebook account.

To achieve this, the business must find other ways to show their URL address. You can try tapping into your employees and other contacts. Send business ezines that publicize the launching of your Fan Page. You can expect to get a number of 'Likes' in just a short while if you're running a large-scale business and has been around for quiet a while already.

Do you know that there are also a number of companies that require their employees to include their Facebook account in their e-mail signature? Through this, reaching out to personal and business contacts will be easy. Other ways to raise awareness is to use other social sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, as well as article marketing methods.

On the whole, the impact of social media management is tremendous when played right. Because it's highly effective, there's no reason why you shouldn't use Facebook as a business tool. Simply put, Facebook needs unique visitors for your website to flourish.

Now that you know this, let's move on to the difficult but not impossible task of getting as much 'Likes' as possible when using Facebook for Business. Several hundreds, or better yet thousands of 'Likes', verifies a company's popularity. It tells how your business is very much visible online. The number of 'Likes' a Fan Page has dictates how powerful it is in reaching more prospective customers. In order to get more Likes, the company must be like a well-oiled machine. You should post updates frequently, upload photos that catch the attention of your customers and use Facebook app that allow you to share promos and sales.

To ensure these chores are carried out consistently, assign a group of your employees to serve as moderators. Make HR or Marketing the primary group in charge. If however, you're running a small business with a limited amount of employees or if you're running it yourself, consider outsourcing the task and use applications like Hootsuite which sends out updates on a regular basis.

This may sound too off-putting and time-consuming but you should keep at it. The work will pay off if you stay consistent and organized. The standards in using Facebook differ from one company to another. You can post more or less frequently compared to another business but one thing that should always stand is this: Professionalism when posting any content.

Treat the Facebook account like you would a newsletter and your clients the primary audience. Give out updates that are always positive but not too full of nonsense. Avoid making filler posts as these will make people regard you as unprofessional Credible news such as photos from seminars, featured employees of the month, helpful links from close affiliates and etc.

Furthermore, effective Facebook marketing means that you should make use of incentives, promos and other activities then advertise them exclusively on the site. This is one of the best ways to get feedback in just a short amount of time. Know that word-of-mouth is still the best form of advertising despite the powers of social media. That is why it's important to take good care of your present customers as this will determine your level of "share-ability".

Be sure to look for our following issue of Facebook For Business. We will discuss the ways on how to use special deals, prize draws and give-aways to entice more Facebook Fans.

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