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Why Adults Suffer From Tonsillitis

By Mavic Wagner

Stress is present in several people's lives. For many young adults, school is the major culprit. It is either because of too much school work or the need to do extremely well in the subjects. On the other hand, for professionals, it is often typically about work - the need to meet quotas or simply to stay competitive to retain one's job or get an increase in pay. If you're among these individuals, then you most likely are aware that stress impacts your health.

As you most likely heard or read, "Stress isn't good for you." It weakens your immune system which causes you to be prone to illnesses. Do you likewise suffer from tonsillitis? Then, better evaluate your lifestyle. Stress is probably causing it.

Tonsillitis commonly happens to youngsters than in adults. It's primarily because children do not still have a robust immune system. In your case, your naturally strong defenses against infection weakened due to stress. As a result, the virus or bacterium causing tonsillitis affects you quickly. While tonsillitis may be passed on easily, you wouldn't have it quickly if you have a strong immune system.

The most common sign of tonsillitis is a sore throat which makes it very difficult and painful for you to swallow. This is because your tonsils are swollen. In some cases, pus accumulates and appears at the back of the mouth as white or yellow coatings. Aside from swollen tonsils, pus, and sore throat, other symptoms are bad breath, fever, headache, fatigue and swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

Treatments for tonsillitis typically cure only the signs and symptoms. Patients are given drugs for fever and headache. Meanwhile, using lozenges or oral antiseptics, as well as gargling with warm water with salt, is usually recommended to ease sore throat. Antibiotics are only given if the cause is bacterial infection. Yet, the best way to treat tonsillitis is to strengthen your immune system.

If you are experiencing chronic tonsillitis, tonsillectomy may be suggested as a long term solution. Tonsillectomy is a procedure which involves the extraction of the tonsils. It is a 3 to 4 hour outpatient procedure.

If you often suffer from tonsillitis, it is better to see an ENT specialist to the find out the best solution for it. As they say, "Prevention is always better than cure." So, have a stress-free life.

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