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Information You Should Share with Your Eye Doctor

By Adriana Noton

If you are new to wearing glasses, have worn glasses for years, or are showing signs of needing glasses, you are undoubtedly familiar with trips to the eye doctor. You may have to make regular visits over the course of your lifetime, the odd visit just to see how things are going, or you may only go once or twice.

You will be informed prior to your appointment if you need to bring anything out of the ordinary, and how you should prepare. Usually, all you have to do is show up with your current pair of glasses and the doctor will take it from there. And although she will ask you all the questions she finds pertinent to your eyesight, sharing specific bits of information with her will ensure you get the most out of your time in the office. Although your eyes are an entity unto themselves, they are still closely tied in with your overall health. If your eyes are sick and unhealthy, you're not going to have a healthy body. Sharing the right information with your eye doctor will help you get the best glasses for your condition and help you see clearly.

It's a good idea to share information about the overall condition of your health with your eye doctor. If you have any health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure or allergies, it is important to let the doctor know. Whether you need glasses or not, these types of health conditions have a direct relationship to the health of your eyes. You'll also want to share information about illnesses and diseases you have experienced in the past, or that members of your family have experienced in the past. If you have a family history of serious eye problems like glaucoma or macular degeneration, it could indicate that you may be in line for them yourself in the future. If you have suffered any past eye injuries or had eye surgery, your eye doctor should know that information too.

Tell your eye doctor about any changes in the quality of your vision since you last visited, or just in general. If you currently wear glasses or if you've never worn glasses, the doctor will want to know if your vision has worsened for any reason. This may include any flashes, floaters, itchiness, blurriness or double vision. When you mention vision changes, the doctor will want to see your current pair of glasses to let you know if you need a stronger prescription or not.

Your eye health is also affected by the types of medication you take, so bring along any prescriptions you may take on a regular basis. If your eye doctor wants to prescribe you a new medication along with your glasses, she needs to know if it will interact negatively with anything you may already be taking. Make sure you let her know of any non-prescription drugs you take as well.

Lots of people choose to tell little white lies when it comes to certain elements of lifestyle, but trying to fool your doctor will only hurt you in the long run. It's important to be upfront about your social habits like smoking and alcohol consumption, so you end up with a pair of glasses or contacts that is best for the health of your eyes. If she asks, be honest and don't worry about being judged. The questions are only asked to give you the best possible care.

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