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An Enlarged Prostate - Men Shouldn't Ignore This Common Problem

By John Ward

On reaching middle age the risk of a man developing an enlarged prostate increases far more. An enlarged prostate is a. K. A a benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or benign prostatic hypertrophy. In fact the symptoms will begin to appear round the age of 45. When he reaches 60, this common problem will affect fifty percent of men. This % or risk factor increases significantly to a point where if they reach the age of eighty, ninety percent of men will be affected.

The prostate is a component of the reproductive system of the male. In maturity it is going to be roughly the dimensions of a walnut. However it'll then grow quite slowly as the male ages.

In a part of the area of the prostate gland, it's been demonstrated that the cell growth actually accelerates. This area where the cells start to grow, is in an area that surrounds the urethra. This particular bit of the body is where the urine from the bladder is carried out of the body.

Initially the prostate enlargement will not affect men where the symptoms are so slight, they are going to put it down to the results of old age.

However with further grow, the flow of urine from the bladder will be impacted more.

The issues will then affect sleep as it means men will need to get up more to go to the bathroom.

You then have got to make an appointment with your physician because begins to influence your lifestyle.

Men in general are so bad when it comes to taking care of their health. Actually most men would not be aware of where their prostate is in the body. Most females are rather more clued up when it comes to health worries in their family.

It can not be emphasised enough that older men need to have yearly prostate checks like a prostate self examination. If they're unlucky enough to have developed prostate cancer, then identifying it as early as is possible is important.

This gives the patient more choices for treatments to treat the prostate cancer which ranges from surgery to radiation-based therapy.

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