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7 Reasons Explaining Why Your Muscles Might Have Stopped Growing

By Mary Smith

Your bodybuilding workout is going great your taking protein shakes every day and then you crashed and burned with no notice. Coaching hard for a few months, feeling like superman and now your feeble and have no energy.

We could have Seven reasons explaining why your muscles could have stopped growing plus a couple of tips about how to begin building muscle mass again.

1 You are coaching too hard "Every time when you train your muscles intensely, you're really breaking down your muscles. So your muscles need to get over the damages you inflicted on them. So train each muscle collection only once or at most two times a week.

2 You are training too long "Keep your workout intense but don't workout more than an hour everytime. After 45 minutes of radical training, your cortisol level will increase. This hormone is known to break muscular mass cells.

3 You are sleeping too small "You want to sleep more for good muscular growth. Your muscles grow when you sleep. So sleep more than 8 hours per day plus watch those muscles growing fast.

4 You are abusing alcohol "Alcohol is known to break down muscle mass plus lots of other body destruction ability.

5 You don't change your workout routine "You should change your workout routine each 6-8 weeks. Your muscles adjust to your routine plus stops growing.

6 You do not progressively overload your muscles "You must try to boost your reps or weight every time you next train a specific muscle collection. Otherwise, there is not any reason for your muscles to grow.

7 You do not eat sufficient protein "If you need to build up muscles, you must consume more Whey protein. Protein is the building block for your muscles. It is recommended that you need 1 gram of protein per lb. of your body weight equivalent. If not enough protein is consumed with your normal diet, do supplement with protein shakes.

So there you have it the 7 reasons why your muscles may have stopped growing although you are coaching harder than ever before.

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