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Knee Pain Explained

By Sean Ryder

Knee injuries are among the most common injuries that happen. Every knee joint has a number of ligamentous structures to support it and help to keep it stable. It is also surrounded by large muscles including the quads and also hammys which act to move the leg and also provide some stability. Knee pain can be caused by sudden injury, often from sport, or may gradually build up over a long time. Either way the key to successful treatment is based on accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment from your local sports injury clinic.

examined]. It is very important to establish what is wrong with your knee to be able to address it properly in the early stages, this is especially essential for serious knee injuries. If your knee collapsed and you also heard a 'pop' noise or experienced a large amount of swelling, you could have damaged the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). This particular injury often happens in sporting activities such as soccer and could require an orthopaedic review. Additionally, in case your knee is 'locking' (in which the knee gets stuck and you aren't able to move it) or giving way (collapsing underneath you) you need to be assessed and may even require an orthopaedic review. Your physio will evaluate for all these problems and will refer you on if neccessary.

If your knee has started being painful for no reason, it may be that local musculature around the knee are weak or tight leading to a muscle imbalance and discomfort. It's very common for other areas to cause knee problems, for example fallen foot arches or decreased strength in your gluts can create biomechanical problems that can lead to pain. Also, pain can also be referred to the knee area from the low back. Your physio is likely to look at the structures of the knee joint including the cartilage and assess for muscle tightness as well as identify other factors that could cause you your pain. The physio brisbane might also look at you performing activities that bring on your pain, such as running or going up and down stairs.

Following assessment, your physiotherapist should be able to identify the cause of your pain and identify any factors which may be causing your discomfort and then start therapy to fix it.

It is important to keep in mind that your local physiotherapist is experienced in all muscle and joint injuries, and because knee injuries are common, would have seen a large range of knee injuries. They will assess and treat your knee and also suggest other things that may be required to alleviate your discomfort, for example orthotics (footwear inserts). Going to see your physio early means they are able to manage the pain in its early stages, and begin to find a treatment for the problem prior to significant damage to your knee and the surrounding areas occurs.

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