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Facts About Brown Vaginal Discharge

By Helen Walker

In this post I'm going to try not only to cover brown vaginal discharge but all types of discharge. Vaginal discharge is normal and generally varies during menstruation. Vaginal discharge is discharge from vagina. Vaginal discharge occurs due to stress, sickness, depression and hormone-triggered changes. It is due to bacteria, yeast and it can also be due to a sexually transmitted diseases.

Sorts of vaginal discharge

1) White vaginal discharge is white in colour and it's thick, pasty or watery. It iscommon before and after your periods. If itching and burning is present and thick white discharge could be a yeast infection or bacterial vaginitis.

2) Clear and watery discharge happens during different times of period and can be happened after a good workout.

3)Yellow or green vaginal discharge could be the reason behind an infection. If it is thick, cottage cheese or has bad smell.

4) Brown vaginal dischargemay occur after periods. Brown color appears when a discharge is exposed to the air it can turn brown and it just clearing out the vagina.

5) Spotting blood infrequently in pregnancy you have discharge like spotting blood or blood brown vaginal discharge at the time your period would normally come. Reasons behind brown blood vaginal discharge. Actually brown vaginal discharge is also known as brown blood vaginal discharge. In this case bleeding takes longer to reach outside from the vagina and turns red to brown in color when exposed to the air. Brown blood vaginal discharge can be caused by pregnancy complication or miscarriage. It may also due to any vaginal injury or disorder, hormonal imbalance, vaginal infection, coarse sex is also a causes brown blood vaginal discharge. Some other indications of brown blood vaginal discharge

1- Loss of appetite is one of the key symptoms of this discharge.

2-It also cause problem in fertility.

3- Vaginal itching or burning is also another symptom of blood vaginal discharge.

4- Occasionally bleeding in vagina is also an indication of this discharge.

5- Weight management.

6- Intestinal pain.

7- Depression and stress.

8- Bleeding from uterus it occurs during menstrual period.

9- Swelling of vagina.

Here are some natural remedies which are helpful to cure brown vaginal discharge. Acceptable intake of water. 8 to 10 glass in a day. This is an excellent treatment for vaginal discharge. Consume fresh fruits and sensible diet. Whole grains help to keep the health system good and strong and will really help to scale back the infection. Change your underclothes daily and use panty liners instead of tampons. Use condoms while in bed. Avoid liquor and drugs because these aren't good for sexual health. Look after private hygiene. Avoid or eliminate sugar and sweets of all types. Avoid scented toilet roll as it may result in irritation.

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