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Tips for Expecting Parents

By Dolores E. Smith

It's true that there are various situations in the lives of parenting fathers. There are various circumstances for single dads, some have never married, others are divorced, some may be gay fathers and widowed fathers as well as others. But the bottom line is they are still fathers, and they have a terrific opportunity in front of them. There are some obstacles that come with this, which are related to their special situation. You can find excellent resources that will help you to deal with the many special challenges along the way. Single fathers face unique social, practical and emotional hurdles, but you have every reason to feel confident in your ability to do so successfully.

There have been many studies performed on the topics of raising and/or caring for babies. Even topics like sleeping habits have been the subjects of some of these studies. Some research indicates that babies who sleep more soundly are the ones who co-sleep with their parents. These babies have been found to wake less frequently in addition to falling asleep faster.

You probably expect that there are a few distinct disadvantages associated with co-sleeping. No one wants a situation where the baby becomes too dependent on co-sleeping and never sleeps on his or her own. Your baby will reach a point where he or she needs a bed just as much as mom and dad need their bed back. Much depends on various factors, but there is a balance that has to be found.

Make this a low-key even though so that baby and parents alike aren't feeding off each other's stress in a new situation. Many parents share a little concern that baby on board will stifle the romance a bit. Ask other parents how their sex lives were impacted by the baby.

You should notice little difference at all. It's little things like this that can truly help you make a decision about your dinner plans. Fussy babies at home for dinner are very often fussy babies when out for dinner as well. To keep things consistent make a point of attending during your normal meal time to avoid out of character fussiness. If you disrupt the routine your baby loves it can have a hugely negative impact on everyone's meal enjoyment.

Being a single, parenting father can be a very rewarding experience that will offer you a great opportunity for personal growth. We would urge you to learn more about the issues faced by single fathers as it will only help you become more successful.

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