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TA 65 Goes Beyond Surface Value

By Eleanor Thompson

TA 65 is the new, scientifically-based and researched, Nobel prize-winner, fountain of youth that goes beyond a surface fix, to repair the effects of aging at the depth of cellular. Based on an enzyme known to protect our DNA chromosome strands, Telomerase is a cellular youth booster, unlike any compound seen before it.

Cell production is a genetically pre-programmed activity with a limited ability for telomerase replication before turning off. As this process winds down and telomere loss occurs, our chromosomes shorten, the ravages of time become aesthetically visible and physically felt. As DNA chains shorten, accordingly, so do our lifespans. Astragulus is a Mongolian-grown, Chinese herb that supplies the extract patented for creating TA-65. This extract holds the power to activate telomerase.

Telomerase levels are limited genetically and deleterious loss occurs further with detrimental lifestyles. Clinical studies show measurably improved enzyme levels through supplementation that resets the clock with renewed cellular health. Benefits were seen with improved vision, rejuvenated skin, endurance, sexual performance and immune functionality.

Science brings the benefits of predictability for health associated with determination of telomere length. A laboratory blood test now avails individuals of their present and future markers for disease via measuring the length of telomeres within their neutrophils.

Telomerase keeps the immune system restocked with new cells responsible for keeping new cancers in check. Telomeres maintain the genetic stability of cells and prevents the 'fraying' at the ends of of chromosomes that reduces cancerous mutations.

Lifestyle choices have a bearing on telomere loss. The ill effects of stress are now measurable in telomere levels that illustrate an amount indicative for 10-years shorter lengths commensurate with poor stress management Adequate exercise, relaxation techniques and omega-3 fatty acids help to abate telomerase disintegration.

Up-regulating telomerase through TA 65 supplementation may seriously reduce the major aging illnesses of heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's. Telomerase is most active in cells that divide rapidly, which could translate into skin at 50 passing for 20-year-old's. The future looks brighter for greater longevity that looks and feels young. Read more about: ta 65

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