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The Most Powerful Magic In The World

By Anna Thomson

The most powerful thing in the world is the Word of the Living God. It feels just like other religious text for most of the time. But when your heart is right and you feel the words jump out of the Bible, you know that you are hearing the present highlight of God. And the power hits you. Let me share with you one occasion that happened in my office when I was reading the Book of Revelation.

That day I was reading chapter 19 verse 10 of the Book of Revelation. 'And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me. See thou do it not: I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.' The last sentence exploded in my heart. I know the powerful hidden meaning of the words. And it is way larger than what Apostle John experienced.

Often when I feel that the Lord wants to tell me something with I verse, I spend time meditate on it and wait upon the Lord. I did this with Revelation 19:10. It told me a few hours to get the answer. And the Holy Spirit showed me the meaning of the word with a brother of my church, Jim. He had a crisis with his marriage, but He prayed to God and God supernaturally healed their relationship. He shared with me the testimony in my office. He ended with a permission to share the story I heard to anyone, whom I believe they need to hear.

The Holy Spirit revealed to me what the verse implies with Jim's sharing. It felt like all the dots are joined together. And I understood that we can prophesy to people with others' testimonies, just like what Jim told me.

Prophesying is more than to tell future of someone or to tell hidden information. It carries the supernatural power to alter the situation like a catalyst. It changes the atmosphere and prepares the way for tangible power to literally transform the outcome of an event or the life of someone.

Jim implied two points, which are indeed true. First, if God would do such a great thing for him, God would also do the same for others because God is not a respecter of men. Secondly, by sharing the testimony, we can pass on the promise of God to other persons so that they will also experience the power.

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