Mesothelioma is a deadly cancer that affects people who have been exposed to asbestos. This slow forming cancer is not just a frightening and often fatal disease; it is also a financially draining disease. The medical expenses that may or may not be covered by medical insurance, the loss of income when a patient can't work, and even compensation for pain and suffering have become grounds for a mesothelioma claim. Many claims become Mesothelioma settlements rather than ever going to court.
However, the overall political climate seems to have undergone a slight change. An example can be given of a reform bill in Texas, which makes neutral medical tests for asbestos related diseases compulsory and another in the state of Georgia, where the onus is on the plaintiff to provide all possible evidence to show that the problem was indeed caused by asbestos.
These were reform bills signed in the mid 90s, after there was a lot of controversy over mesothelioma lawsuits being misused by both California lawyers and patients for exaggerated claims. There, however, is no problem when it comes to genuine cases of mesothelioma.
A Mesothelioma lawyer will launch a thorough investigation into the plaintiff's health and employment history to help confirm that an incident of exposure at the workplace described is the cause of the alleged illness. In genuine cases of asbestos exposure, imaging of a person's lungs after exposure will reveal pre-cancerous alteration to tissue that will most likely manifest itself as Mesothelioma many years later.
Many times the company or companies will want to avoid both the expense and hassle of a court battle and will offer a settlement to the mesothelioma patient through the attorney. Mesothelioma settlements, if accepted may be quite large and are often paid in monthly or quarterly installments, however settlements rarely actually cover all the costs included in a claim. Patients and families need to be aware that court cases are expensive as are special attorneys and all of those costs will have to be deducted from the settlement or judgment.
However, the overall political climate seems to have undergone a slight change. An example can be given of a reform bill in Texas, which makes neutral medical tests for asbestos related diseases compulsory and another in the state of Georgia, where the onus is on the plaintiff to provide all possible evidence to show that the problem was indeed caused by asbestos.
These were reform bills signed in the mid 90s, after there was a lot of controversy over mesothelioma lawsuits being misused by both California lawyers and patients for exaggerated claims. There, however, is no problem when it comes to genuine cases of mesothelioma.
A Mesothelioma lawyer will launch a thorough investigation into the plaintiff's health and employment history to help confirm that an incident of exposure at the workplace described is the cause of the alleged illness. In genuine cases of asbestos exposure, imaging of a person's lungs after exposure will reveal pre-cancerous alteration to tissue that will most likely manifest itself as Mesothelioma many years later.
Many times the company or companies will want to avoid both the expense and hassle of a court battle and will offer a settlement to the mesothelioma patient through the attorney. Mesothelioma settlements, if accepted may be quite large and are often paid in monthly or quarterly installments, however settlements rarely actually cover all the costs included in a claim. Patients and families need to be aware that court cases are expensive as are special attorneys and all of those costs will have to be deducted from the settlement or judgment.