Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disease that is estimated to affect 15% of the population in the United States today. There are many IBS symptoms that can help to diagnose the disease, but there currently is no cure. The disease is one that can easily be misdiagnosed and often is mistaken for other diseases it shares its myriad of symptoms with. IBS is often accompanied with several other painful or dehibilitating medical conditions, which can also make its diagnosis a more difficult task. IBS symptoms can be treated in a number of ways and although IBS and IBS symptoms can be painful and inconvenient the disease is not thought to be deadly.
Once a diagnosis has been made, it's time to take action. Fortunately, this is not a life-threatening illness, and it can be controlled through diet, stress reduction and medicine. Many people find avoiding certain foods and adding fiber to their diet to be helpful. Finding ways to minimize anxiety is also important in successfully managing spastic colon/IBS. Taking charge of your health and well-being will put you on the fast track to feeling better and getting back to an active and happy lifestyle.
The main symtoms of IBS are pain or discomfort in the abdominal area, and chronic diarrhea, constipation, or a combination of both. Other symptoms may include a bloated abdomen, whitish mucus in the stool, or a feeling that you haven't finished a bowel movement.
Women are more likely to suffer from IBS than men. Scientific studies show female hormonal changes may play a role in this factor. There may be strong evidence to this since women with IBS tend to report exacerbations during their menstrual cycles, and also feel a stronger need to seek out IBS relief. Even men, though, can experience exacerbations in their IBS symptoms along with women when sick with intestinal illnesses and other sicknesses that bring the immune system down.
Magnesium is a very good remedy for IBS. By eating foods rich in magnesium or by taking magnesium supplements, the symptoms of IBS can be controlled. Magnesium is a very vital mineral that helps in the absorption of food.
Bavolex has used natural ingredients such as chamomile, fennel seed, peppermint, ginger and lemon balm, to name a few, to develop this IBS cure. These natural ingredients do not just treat the triggers, but treats all the problems of IBS. They attack the anxiety trigger, aid in digestion, and prevent the symptoms. Doctors that understand that there are cures other than their synthetic drugs recommend this supplement as an IBS cure. This IBS cure has been proven in numerous clinical and double blind studies. Therefore, if you're suffering and wishing there was an IBS cure, Bavolex has the answer.
Once a diagnosis has been made, it's time to take action. Fortunately, this is not a life-threatening illness, and it can be controlled through diet, stress reduction and medicine. Many people find avoiding certain foods and adding fiber to their diet to be helpful. Finding ways to minimize anxiety is also important in successfully managing spastic colon/IBS. Taking charge of your health and well-being will put you on the fast track to feeling better and getting back to an active and happy lifestyle.
The main symtoms of IBS are pain or discomfort in the abdominal area, and chronic diarrhea, constipation, or a combination of both. Other symptoms may include a bloated abdomen, whitish mucus in the stool, or a feeling that you haven't finished a bowel movement.
Women are more likely to suffer from IBS than men. Scientific studies show female hormonal changes may play a role in this factor. There may be strong evidence to this since women with IBS tend to report exacerbations during their menstrual cycles, and also feel a stronger need to seek out IBS relief. Even men, though, can experience exacerbations in their IBS symptoms along with women when sick with intestinal illnesses and other sicknesses that bring the immune system down.
Magnesium is a very good remedy for IBS. By eating foods rich in magnesium or by taking magnesium supplements, the symptoms of IBS can be controlled. Magnesium is a very vital mineral that helps in the absorption of food.
Bavolex has used natural ingredients such as chamomile, fennel seed, peppermint, ginger and lemon balm, to name a few, to develop this IBS cure. These natural ingredients do not just treat the triggers, but treats all the problems of IBS. They attack the anxiety trigger, aid in digestion, and prevent the symptoms. Doctors that understand that there are cures other than their synthetic drugs recommend this supplement as an IBS cure. This IBS cure has been proven in numerous clinical and double blind studies. Therefore, if you're suffering and wishing there was an IBS cure, Bavolex has the answer.
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Looking to find info on diets for ibs, then visit our website to find the best info on Cybill Shepherd and the Irritable Bowel for you.