Driving has often been connected with back trouble. Sitting in a solitary position for a long time can take a toll on your back and result in back pain. But this does not necessarily imply that back trouble needs to be the end result of driving. There are certain straightforward things you can do to make your drive a back trouble free experience.
One of the most vital things to do while driving, to avoid back pain is to maintain a good posture. Make certain you don't slouch your back as you drive. Many people have a rounded back and rounded shoulders and have a tendency to bend their head forward. Nevertheless this needs to be evaded as it leads to a raised stresses on the back. This in turn can cause sciatica and other types of back trouble. In addition, it could also cause tightness and rigidity in the muscles and cramps. Thus, it becomes significant that you sit straight with your tailbone as lengthened as possible.
Second thing that demands your attention is the position of your vehicle seat. It has been observed that many drivers do not care much about it. However if you have got to drive frequently or for a long period of time period, the car seat should provide you maximum comfort. Do ensure that your legs get sufficient space to stretch.
You could prevent sciatica or any other type of back pain by practicing some stretching exercises before starting driving. Straightforward stretches concentrated on your back will do you a lot of good. One such stretch is as follows- Hold your waist with both the hands and bend backwards as much as you can. Now, bend forward as much as humanly possible. Practice both backward and forward, otherwise, 5 times each.
When you sit in one position for too long, stiffness in muscles is achievable. So, practice stretches after an hour of driving. Take a short walk after each Sixty minutes, especially when you're off on long trips. Also, you could alternate with another individual for driving, so that you don't get to do it all at a stretch. Having two people to drive on long trips is always advisable.
You can also get some support for your lower back in case you suffer from back trouble while driving. Use a cushion or a towel behind the back in a way that it supports your back. These things are strongly recommended for those suffering from sciatica or any other back stiffness. And better is to avoid driving in such a case, if feasible!
Keep these tips in mind while you drive and you will be doing your back a huge favour.
One of the most vital things to do while driving, to avoid back pain is to maintain a good posture. Make certain you don't slouch your back as you drive. Many people have a rounded back and rounded shoulders and have a tendency to bend their head forward. Nevertheless this needs to be evaded as it leads to a raised stresses on the back. This in turn can cause sciatica and other types of back trouble. In addition, it could also cause tightness and rigidity in the muscles and cramps. Thus, it becomes significant that you sit straight with your tailbone as lengthened as possible.
Second thing that demands your attention is the position of your vehicle seat. It has been observed that many drivers do not care much about it. However if you have got to drive frequently or for a long period of time period, the car seat should provide you maximum comfort. Do ensure that your legs get sufficient space to stretch.
You could prevent sciatica or any other type of back pain by practicing some stretching exercises before starting driving. Straightforward stretches concentrated on your back will do you a lot of good. One such stretch is as follows- Hold your waist with both the hands and bend backwards as much as you can. Now, bend forward as much as humanly possible. Practice both backward and forward, otherwise, 5 times each.
When you sit in one position for too long, stiffness in muscles is achievable. So, practice stretches after an hour of driving. Take a short walk after each Sixty minutes, especially when you're off on long trips. Also, you could alternate with another individual for driving, so that you don't get to do it all at a stretch. Having two people to drive on long trips is always advisable.
You can also get some support for your lower back in case you suffer from back trouble while driving. Use a cushion or a towel behind the back in a way that it supports your back. These things are strongly recommended for those suffering from sciatica or any other back stiffness. And better is to avoid driving in such a case, if feasible!
Keep these tips in mind while you drive and you will be doing your back a huge favour.