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Change Your Focus Change Your Luck

By Bruce Holmes

Do you feel lucky? Have you ever noticed that some people always seem to have good breaks fall into their lap? Here is an easy way to increase your luck. All you have to do is change the way you relate to your goals. Everyone always talks about goal setting. The most common goal tip you get is to write your goals down. They caution you not to set a goal to big because if you do you are just setting yourself up to fail. It is often recommended that you establish short-term goals that are more easily reachable. You use your small successes to reach a long-term goal. This is all terrific advice but I am suggesting something different.

I am suggesting that you change the way you relate to your goals. Typically people set goals and then myopically concentrate on reaching that particular goal or outcome to the exclusion of all else. Believe it or not this can considerably limit other opportunities from emerging. When you have less opportunity you have less luck. Keep in mind that not everything that matters can be measured. Always take a moment to look at the big picture.

Next avoid getting married to a particular outcome. When we cling to rigidly to a set plan, we shut off new and potentially better pathways for achievement. I am not saying that preparation is not important, but General Eisenhower famously said, "In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." So determine the general direction you want to go, but be prepared to adapt as you gather new information.

Finally take action. Thinking about and visualizing is not enough. Get out and meet with people. Luck is created through connections. Not just the connections that you can make on Facebook or through other social media, but face to face. Give some thought to what you want to create in life and share that possibility with everyone you meet. You never know whom you will meet or where a casual conversation will take you. You may find that the person you are speaking to may only be one degree of separation away from the person that may be your lucky break.

Luck does not just happen it is created. Keep your outlook broad and realize that there is more then one way to accomplish your goals. Lucky people develop plans that fit their circumstance. Opportunities often come from places where you would least expect them. When you think more broadly and you are open to any and all possibilities you will find that your luck will get better.

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