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Before The Cross - Divine Healing and the Whipping Post

By Wayne Sutton

Would you try to glorify God by remaining in sin? Of course you wouldn't, for we have been set free from sin. John stated that Jesus was the lamb who takes away the sin of the world. So, if sin was laid upon Jesus, and he paid for it - should we continue in sin to glorify him?

Of course not! Yet, Jesus took more than just our sins.

Before Jesus made it to the bloody cross, he also found himself bearing our infirmities, our diseases, on the also very bloody and painful whipping post. Remember the whipping post, for the whipping post was for you and I as well as the cross!

The word tells us that he was wounded and that by those stripes we were healed. So lets lay aside some religious traditions and truly use some reasoning. If Jesus took our sins, paid for them, should we go and sin more to bring him glory? Well, the Apostle Paul said it really clear when he exclaimed "God Forbid!" Continuing in sin will not bring glory to Christ.

So, based on that reality, we now look back at the whipping post. The severe suffering was not in vain. The bloody sacrifice was made for you and I. He bore your sickness and disease upon his body with each and every crack of the whip upon his flesh. Never forget the brutality of the whipping post, and always remember that YOUR sickness was bore by Jesus on that whipping post.

Will having sickness or disease then bring glory to God? Would God give us a disease or sickness for his glory? Absolutely not. Sickness and disease are all from Satan, and all were laid upon the flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus did not take the severe punishment in vain. Stand upon the whipping post he fell upon and receive your healing today.

Remember that Jesus came to "do the will of the Father" and since he has "borne our diseases", it must be God;s will for us all to be healed. So, if you are not going to walk in sin, neither should we walk in sickness and disease, for it was paid for as well.

Now, this article is not meant to be one of guilt or shame - if you are sick, then please remember that you are destined to be healed! Sometimes it will be an instant miracle, and other times a gradual process, yet always stay in faith and receive the healing that was paid for almost 2,000 years ago.

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